Dublin's 40ft & Dry Robes Trend in Apple TV's New Show, Bad Sisters
The 'dry robe trend' that kicked off in 2019 now making it all the way to Hollywood.
Apply TV's newest show Bad Sisters is a dark comedy set in Dublin, Ireland. A show set around five brilliant female character's and one dead brother-in-law. In episode one, the Garvey sisters give a gift of a robe to their sister Grace, for their annual family tradition Christmas swim in the 40ft in Sandycove. Definably some local screen writing input there:)

We loved seeing the Irish sea and wild swimming in the first episode, and the forty foot on a typical grey day. That would be the reality for those that brave the waters for winter sea swimming. However the show made the forty foot look a quiet serene place on Christmas day (and missed out on a very local nuance - wearing of a Santa hat) and lack of half of Dublin deciding todays the day to survive the Irish sea and embrace the wild.
Eve Heston plays one of the Garvey sisters, so as a local women, you know she has taken a few dips in the forty foot over the years.
The characters could have got it really right with the present and bought a local, Irish inspired changing robe. A Bearhug Therma Parka just up the road from 40ft in Monkstown, Dublin.
'Embrace the Wild' is Bearhug's philosophy - defiantly the theme of the show so far on many levels. Bearhug thermal parkas are the best alternative to a dry robe. Created and inspired by Irish swimmers, incredibly versatile, designed and tested for all weather conditions. So far seems like the characters in the new show - we will keep watching.

If you want to buy the best alternative to a dry robe have a look at our Irish brand Bearhug Thermal Parkas for Adults and kids. We ship world wide so Embrace the Irish Wild!
Happy swimming.